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Nvidia GeForce FREE driver cleaner and guide


If you want to clean your old nvidia geforce driver before installing new one, you need to download this cleaner and then follow our guide from bellow.

Step A.

Step 1. Download new driver from here (be sure that you know where is downloaded

Step 2. Download new version of Driver uninstaller from here

Step 3. Uninstall your current driver from Control Panel or with this tool.

Step B.

Now you have : new driver downloaded, driver cleaner downloaded and nvidia driver uninstalled right ?

Now you need to restart your device in SAFE MODE

 How ?

1. Shut Down your computer or laptop

2. Start your PC or Laptop and after first screen is loaded, press F8 repeatedly till a screen with SAFE MODE will appear and press ENTER to boot in safe mode (try again if your computer will start normaly till will start in safe mode)

Now run driver cleaner and select :

1. Nvidia

2. Remove PhysX

3. Remove Nvidia

4. Clean and restart (is automated)

DO NOT press F8 again.

Your PC or laptop will start normaly.

Now you can install latest graphics driver !

Good Luck and Good Speed.

How to clean Nvidia GeForce driver to run better in games