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Batman: Arkham Origins


Hi there. You have a big problem with Batman: Arkham Origins ? and for "big problem" i mean that when you try to load game, at copperhead poison the video game will crash ? Then you need to do some manual settings, and if you want to learn how to fix, then just watch at this video guide and do the same to your computer.

Batman: Arkham Origins

Short description : Go to where you have video game installed, then to : singleplayer\bmgame\config and in config folder open file BMengine.ini and change 

AllowD3D11 to false and AllowD3D10 to true.

Save settings and play Batman: Arkham Origins : Copperhead poison

You still have this issue ?

See here possible fix >

Batman: Arkham Origins - How to fix Copperhead crash

Copperhead crash