Crysis 3 - PC Video Game
Guides, Gameplays, Tips and Tricks or Tweaks !
List with available articles for Crysis 3 PC version
You need some tweaks for Crysis 3 ? well the most efficient and the realy works 100% "tweak" is to install latest beta or whql drivers from nvidia or from amd but do not forget to clean your old driver traces first and then install new driver !
How to proper uninstall graphics drivers
How to increase FPS performance for Nvidia GeForce video cards
New driver for Crysis 3 available - 314.14 Beta - Get it
How to increase FPS performance for AMD Radeon video cards
New driver for Crysis 3 available - 13.2 Beta 7 - Get it
After Driver Tweaks
Tweak Graphics settings guide ! see it and learn it - here
Boost up your HDD to gain some performance for Gameplay - Learn it