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This Guide works only for Laptops / Ultrabooks / Notebooks with Dedicated Nvidia GeForce video graphics card ONLY

How to optimize graphics performance for video games Cabelas Hunting Expeditions and Hunter`s Trophy 2 : Europe for Notebooks with Nivida GeForce video graphics cards.


Hello. You just bought the new video game with hunting and your laptop is very slow in game ? And you are sure that you have a very good notebook for gaming ? Then you need to do some settings. First thing to do is to download this app to install latest updated driver for your notebook.

Now you have latest nvidia video driver right ? ok now, on your desktop press right click and open NVIDIA Control Panel

Now select "Manage 3D Settings" and select "High-performance NVIDIA Processor" and Apply it

Next step is to select Program Settins and select ADD , and add your desired game executable and APPLY. (see in images)

Now the game will run much better ...actualy will run AMAZING.

Why ? because your have two video cards, one is Intel HD for 2D applications and second is dedicated video card Nvidia and you need to force nvidia to run in 3D gaming performance mode.

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