HP Pavilion G7-2238NR
Compatible with Windows 8 32 bits and Windows 8 64 bits | Windows 7 32 bits and Windows 7 64 bits
Hello dear visitor. You just bought a new laptop HP Pavilion g7-2238nr ? Then you need some help to speed up this "beast" and we can help you for free ! First thing to do is to download latest updated drivers from here , then follow those steps (optional)
Drivers available on download link are : For HP Pavilion G7-2238NR Only !
Chipset | Motherboard | Processor | driver
USB or USB 3.0 driver
Video VGA Graphics driver
Sound audio driver
Wireless Wlan driver
Webcam Camera driver
Touchpad (virtual mouse) driver
Bluetooth driver
HP Pavilion g7-2238nr
Step 1. If you have this notebook HP Pavilion g7-2238nr for 1 month or more then we suggest to scan your operating system with a anti-spyware ! use this
Step 2. Clean your system of garbage and registry ! use this
Optional : Best free and easy uninstaller ! download it
Useful words to find this article : download sound driver, download graphics driver, wireless driver, wlan driver, lan driver, ethernet driver, network driver, bluetooth, touchpad
HP Pavilion g7-2238nr
Windows 8 Ultimate / Windows 7 Ultimate / Windows 8 Professional / Windows 7 PRO / Windows Home Premium / Windows Starter