ASUS P2520LA-XO0762D - Windows 7 - Windows 8 - Windows 8.1
Hi to all visitors. If you need to download newest driver for your bluetooth device, then you can download it from here for windows 10 64 bits, and if you need driver for windows 8 64 bits and windows 7 64 bits, you have bellow (more downloads for ASUS P2520LA-XO0762D) and there you have a link to all drivers for all windows versions that are supported. But is strongly recommended to clean your notebook by garbage and registry errors (before and after installing driver) with this tool for ASUS P2520LA-XO0762D for Windows.
Why to install latest bluetooth updated driver ?
Because your file transfer will be more faster through bluetooth
Your bluetooth connection will be more stable
And also windows will run smother because bluetooth driver will be native.
ASUS P2520LA-XO0762D
Windows 7 64 bits / 32 bits / Windows Vista - not supported
Windows 8 64 bits - NOT Fully Compatible
Windows 8.1 64 bits - NOT Fully Compatible
Windows 10 64 bits - Fully Compatible
ASUS P2520LA-XO0762D - Download bluetooth driver for Free
ASUS P2520LA-XO0762D
What also can this bluetooth driver do ? fix bluetooth connection, bluetooth not working, bluetooth has stopped working, bluetooth is not reponding, bluetooth is not available, not working issue, repair not working bluetooth issue.
Fix bluetooth not found, fix bluetooth connection, repair bluetooth
What to do if downloaded driver is not working ? or bluetooth connection is slower that before ? we recommend to download another bluetooth driver from:
Bluetooth device driver for ASUS P2520LA-XO0762D
ASUS P2520LA-XO0762D bluetooth driver
Article posted by Author: Sorin Dnest on 2016-04-30